A.  General

[Benioff 80, 81, 82 a, b, c, 86, 95, 96, 97 a, b, 98 a, c, d], [Feynman 82] (Feynman asked whether or not the behavior of every physical system can be simulated by a computer, taking no more time than the physical system itself takes to produce the observed behavior. Feynman suggests that it may not be possible to simulate a quantum system in real time by a classical computer whereas it may be possible with a quantum computer. So if Feynman's suggestion is correct it implies there are tasks a QC can perform far more efficiently than a classical computer), [Deutsch 85 b] (quantum equivalent of a Turing machine), [Feynman 85, 86] (physical limitations of classical computers), [Deutsch 89] (QC networks), [Deutsch 92], [Deutsch-Jozsa 92], [Bennett 93], [Brown 94] (popular review) [Sleator-Weinfurter 95], [Bennett 95 a] (review, see for more references), [Lloyd 93, 94 a, b, 95 a, b], [Shor 95] (how to reduce decoherence in QC memory), [Dove 95], [Pellizzari-Gardiner-Cirac-Zoller 95] (how to reduce decoherence in a QC based on cavities by continuous observation), [Chuang-Yamamoto 95] (a simple QC), [Glanz 95 a], [Plenio-Vedral-Knight 96] (review), [Barenco 96] (review), [Barenco-Ekert-Macchiavello-Sampera 96] (review), [Haroche-Raimond 96] (review), [Deutsch 97] (review), [Myers 97] (can a QC be fully quantum?), [Grover 97 a] (quantum telecomputation), [Bennett-Bernstein-Brassard-Vazirani 97] (strengths and weaknesses of QC), [Warren-Gershenfeld-Chuang 97] (the usefulness of NMR QC), [Williams-Clearwater 98] (book), [Hughes 98] (relevance of QC for cryptography), [Preskill 98 a, b] (pros and cons of QC), [Lo-Spiller-Popescu 98] (book), [Berman-Doolen-Mainieri-Tsifrinovich 98] (book), [Gramß 98] (book), [Milburn 98] (book), [Steane 98 b] (review), [Farhi-Gutmann 98 a] (analog analogue of a digital QC), [Loss-DiVincenzo 98], [Schack 98] (using a QC to investigate quantum chaos), [Vedral-Plenio 98 b] (review), [Buhrman-Cleve-Wigderson 98] (classical vs. quantum communication and QC), [Ekert-Fernández Huelga-Macchiavello-Cirac 98] (using entangled states to make computations between distant nodes of a quantum network), [Deutsch-Ekert 98] (review), [Scarani 98] (review), [Privman-Vagner-Kventsel 98] (QC based on a system with quantum Hall effect), [Gershenfeld-Chuang 98] (QC with molecules, review), [DiVincenzo 98 a], [Kane 98] (QC based on silicon and on RMN), [Farhi-Gutmann 98 b] (decision trees), [Linden-Fremann 98 b] (Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm on a three-qubit NMR QC), [Collins-Kim-Holton 98] (Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm as a test of QC), [Terhal-Smolin 98] (single quantum querying of a database), [Rieffel-Polak 98] (introduction for non-physicists), [Zalka 98 d] (an introduction to QC), [Luo-Zeng 98] (NMR QC with a hyperpolarized nuclear spin bulk), [Gruska 99] (book), [Braunstein-Caves-Jozsa-Linden-Popescu-Schac 99] (separability of very noisy mixed states and implications for NMR QC), [Brun-Schac 99], [Braunstein 99] (book), [Brooks 99] (book), [Williams 99] (book), [DiVincenzo-Loss 99], [Sanders-Kim-Holton 99], [Gottesman-Chuang 99] (QC using teleportation and single-qubit operations), [Preskill 99 d] (Chap. 6), [Macchiavello-Palma-Zeilinger 00] (book of collected papers), [Lloyd 00 a] (quantum search without entanglement), [Cirac-Zoller 00] (scalable QC with ions in an array of microtraps), [Bouwmeester-Ekert-Zeilinger 00] (book on quantum information), [Bennett-DiVincenzo 00] (review in Nature on quantum information and QC), [Nielsen-Chuang 00] (book), [Bacon-Kempe-Lidar-Whaley 00] (universal fault-tolerant QC on decoherence-free subspaces), [Beige-Braun-Tregenna-Knight 00] (QC using dissipation to remain in a decoherence-free subspace), [Osborne 00 d], [Georgeot-Shepelyansky 00] (in the quantum chaos regime, an ideal state quickly disappears, and exponentially many states become mixed; below the quantum chaos border an ideal state can survive for long times, and an be used for QC), [Knill-Nielsen 00 a] (theory of QC), [Ekert-Hayden-Inamori 00] (basic concepts in QC), [Ekert-Hayden-Inamori-Oi 01] (what is QC), [Knill-Laflamme-Milburn 01] (scheme for efficient QC with linear optics), [Linden-Popescu 01] (entanglement is necessary for QC), [Hardy-Steeb 01] (book), [Kitaev-Shen-Vyalyi 02] (book), [Lomonaco 02] (book), [Lomonaco-Brandt 02] (book), [Zalka 02] (lectures on QC), [Biham-Brassard-Kenigsberg-Mor 03] (the Deutsch-Jozsa problem and the Simon problem can be solved using a separable state).

B.  Quantum algorithms

1.  Deutsch-Jozsa's and Simon's

[Deutsch 85 b], [Deutsch-Jozsa 92], [Simon 94, 97], [Cleve-Ekert-Macchiavello-Mosca 98], [Chi-Kim-Lee 00 a, 01] (initialization-free generalized DJ algorithm), [Vala-Amitay-Zhan-(+2) 02] (experimental implementation of the DJ algorithm for three-qubit functions using rovibrational molecular wave packets representation), [Gulde-Riebe-Lancaster-(+6) 03] (implementation of the DJ algorithm on an ion-trap quantum computer, Nature), [Brazier-Plenio 03] (the DJ algorithm is surprisingly good as the problem becomes less structured and is always better than the van Dam algorithm for low numbers of queries), [Ermakov-Fung 03] (NMR implementation of the DJ algorithm using different initial states).

2.  Factoring

[Shor 94, 97] (the number of steps any classical computer requires in order to find the prime factors of an l-digit integer increases exponentially with l, at least using algorithms known at present. Factoring large integers is therefore conjectured to be intractable classically, an observation underlying the security of widely used cryptographic codes. Quantum computer, however, could factor integers in only polynomial time, using Shor's quantum factoring algorithm), [Ekert-Jozsa 96] (Rev. Mod. Phys.), [Plenio-Knight 96] (realistic lower bounds for the factorization time of large numbers), [Zalka 98 c] (fast versions of Shor's factoring algorithm), [Berman-Doolen-Tsifrinovich 00] (influence of superpositional wave function oscillations on Shor's algorithm), [Lomonaco 00 b] (Shor's quantum factoring algorithm), [McAnally 01] [Vandersypen-Steffen-Breyta-(+3) 01] (experimental realization of Shor's quantum factoring algorithm using nuclear magnetic resonance, Nature), [Lavor-Manssur-Portugal 03] (review of Shor's factoring algorithm).

3.  Searching

[Grover 96 b, 97 b, c, 98 a, b, c, d, 00 c, 02 b, c] (a QA for a quicker search of an item in a non-ordered n items database: While a classical algorithm requires [n/2] steps to obtain a 50% probability of success, Grover's algorithm obtains 100% success with [(pÖn)/4] steps), [Brassard 97] (on Grover's algorithm), [Boyer-Brassard-Høyer-Tapp 96, 98] (optimal number of iterations for the amplitude of the solution state in Grover's algorithm), [Collins 97] (on Grover's algorithm and other advances in quantum computation), [Terhal-Smolin 97] (searching algorithms), [Biron-Biham-Biham-(+2) 98] (generalized Grover's algorithm), [Chuang-Gershenfeld-Kubinec 98] (experimental implementation of quantum fast search), [Ross 98] (a modification of Grover's algorithm as a fast database search), [Carlini-Hosoya 98] (an alternative algorithm for database search), [Buhrman-de Wolf 98] (lower bounds for a quantum search), [Roehrig 98] (an upper bound for searching in an ordered list), [Zalka 99 a] (Grover's algorithm is optimal), [Jozsa 99] (searching in Grover's algorithm), [Long 01] (Grover algorithm with zero theoretical failure rate), [Patel 01 a], [Li-Li 01] (a general quantum search algorithm), [Murphy 01], [Grover 01] (pedagogical article describing the invention of the quantum search algorithm), [Bae-Kwon 01], [Miao 01 a] (construction for the unsorted quantum search algorithms), [Collins 02].

4.  Simulating quantum systems

[Wiesner 96] (simulations of many-body quantum systems), [Lloyd 96] (Feynman's 1982 conjecture, that quantum computers can be programmed to simulate any local quantum system, is shown to be correct), [Abrams-Lloyd 97] (simulation of many-body Fermi systems on a universal quantum computer), [Somaroo-Tseng-Havel-(+2) 99] (quantum simulations on a quantum computer).

5.  General and others

[Durr-Høyer 96] (a QA for finding the minimum), [Cockhott 97] (databases), [Ekert-Macchiavello 98], [Cleve-Ekert-Macchiavello-Mosca 98], [Hogg 98 a, b], [Hogg-Yanik 98] (local searching methods), [Ekert-Jozsa 98], [Pati 98 c], [Pittenger 99] (book on QA), [Abrams-Lloyd 99] (algorithm for finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors), [Ahuja-Kapoor 99] (algorithm for finding the maximum), [Watrous 00] (QA for solvable groups), [Vandersypen-Steffen-Breyta-(+3) 00] (experimental realization of an order-finding algorithm with an NMR quantum computer), [Ivanyos-Magniez-Santha 01] (QA for some instances of the non-Abelian hidden subgroup problem), [Alber-Beth-Horodecki-(+6) 01] (Chap. 4), [Galindo-Martín Delgado 02] (review), [Shor 02 b] (introduction to QA), [Klappenecker-Roetteler 03].

C.  Quantum logic gates

[Deutsch 89 a] (a set of gates is universal if any unitary action can be decomposed into a product of successive actions of these gates on different subsets of the input qubits; the Deutsch gate is a three-qubit universal gate), [Barenco 95] (almost any two-qubit gate is universal), [DiVincenzo 95 b] (two-qubit gates are universal for quantum computation; its classical analog is not true: classical reversible two-bit gates are not universal), [Barenco-Bennett-Cleve-(+6) 95] (one-qubit gates plus the CNOT gate are enough for quantum computation), [Cirac-Zoller 95] (proposal for a quantum computer with ions), [Monroe-Meekhof-King-(+2) 95] (ions in a radiofrecuency trap), [Domokos-Raimond-Brune-Haroche 95] (they control atoms using photons trapped in superconductor cavities), [Barenco-Deutsch-Ekert-Jozsa 95] (quantum logic gates), [Schwarzschild 96] (experimental quantum logic gates), [Cory-Fahmy-Havel 97] (NMR), [Gershenfeld-Chuang 97] (NMR), (Los Alamos experiment with trapped ions:) [Hughes-James-Gómez-(+12) 98], [Wineland-Monroe-Itano-(+5) 98], [James-Gulley-Holzscheiter-(+10) 98]; [Stevens-Brochard-Steane 98] (experimental methods for processors with trapped ions), [Brennen-Caves-Jessen-Deutsch 98] (optical), [Wei-Xue-Morgera 98], [Linden-Barjat-Carbajo-Freeman 98] (pulse sequences for NMR quantum computers: How to manipulate nuclear spins while freezing the motion of coupled neighbours), [Fuji 01], [Schmidt Kaler-Haffner-Riebe-(+7) 03] (experimental Cirac-Zoller controlled-NOT quantum gate, Nature).

D.  Schemes for reducing decoherence

[Briegel-Dür-Cirac-Zoller 98] (quantum repeaters for communication), [Duan-Guo 98 a, b, d, h] (reducing decoherence), [Viola-Lloyd 98](dynamical suppression of decoherence in two-state quantum systems), [DiVincenzo-Terhal 98] (decoherence: The obstacle to quantum computation, review).

E.  Quantum error correction

[Shor 95, 96] (9:1), [Steane 96 a, b, c, 98 d, e] (QEC codes) (7:1), [Calderbank-Shor 96] (QEC), [Gottesman 96], [DiVincenzo-Shor 96], [Bennett-DiVincenzo-Smolin-Wootters 96] (5:1), [Laflamme-Miquel-Paz-Zurek 96] (perfect QEC code), [Ekert-Macchiavello 96], [Schumacher-Nielsen 96], [Calderbank-Rains-Shor-Sloane 96, 97], [Chau 97 a, b], [Cleve-Gottesman 97], [Cerf-Cleve 97] (information-theoretic interpretation of QEC codes), [Knill-Laflamme 97] (QEC codes), [Plenio-Vedral-Knight 97 a, b] (QEC in the presence of spontaneous emission), [Vedral-Rippin-Plenio 97], [Chuang-Yamamoto 97], [Braunstein-Smolin 97] (perfect QEC coding in 24 laser pulses), [Braunstein 98 a, b], [Knill-Laflamme-Zurek 98 a, b] (arbitrarly high efficiency QEC codes), [Gottesman 98 a, b] (fault tolerant quantum computation), [Preskill 98 c] (brief history of QEC codes), [Preskill 98 d] (fault tolerant quantum computation), [Cory-Price-Mass-(+5) 98] (experimental QEC), Kak 98], [Steinbach-Twamley 98] (motional QEC), [Koashi-Ueda 99] (reversing measurement and probabilistic QEC), [Chau 99], [Kanter-Saad 99] (error-correcting codes that nearly saturate Shannon's bound), [Preskill 99 d] (Chap. 7), [Knill-Laflamme-Viola 00] (theory of QEC for general noise), [Barnes-Warren 00] (automatic QEC), [Nielsen-Chuang 00] (Chap. 10), [Knill-Laflamme-Martinez-Negrevergne 01] (implementation of the five qubit error correction benchmark), [Schumacher-Westmoreland 01 b] (approximate quantum error correction), [Korepin-Terilla 02], [Yang-Chu-Han 02], [Gottesman 02] (introduction to QEC), [Ahn-Wiseman-Milburn 03] (QEC for continuously detected errors), [Pollatsek-Ruskai 03] (permutationally invariant codes for quantum error correction).

F.  Decoherence-free subspaces and subsystems

[Palma-Suominen-Ekert 96], [Duan-Guo 97 a, 98 a, e], [Zanardi-Rasetti 97 a, b], [Zanardi 97, 98, 99], [Lidar-Chuang-Whaley 98] (DFS for quantum computation), [Lidar-Bacon-Whaley 99], [Bacon-Kempe-Lidar-Whaley 00] (universal fault-tolerant quantum computation on DFS), [Lidar-Bacon-Kempe-Whaley 00, 01 a, b], [Kempe-Bacon-Lidar-Whaley 00], [Beige-Braun-Tregenna-Knight 00] (quantum computation using dissipation to remain in a DFS), [Kwiat-Berglund-Altepeter-White 00] (experimental preparation a two-photon polarization-entangled singlet state and demonstration of its invariance under collective decoherence), [Kielpinski-Meyer-Rowe-(+4) 01] (experimental demonstration of the protection of a qubit against collective dephasing by encoding it in two trapped ions), [Viola-Fortunato-Pravia-(+3) 01] (experimental demonstration of the protection of a qubit against collective decoherence by encoding it in a DF subsystem of three NMR qubits), [Fortunato-Viola-Hodges-(+2) 02] (experimental demonstration of the protection of a qubit against collective dephasing by encoding it two NMR qubits), [Foldi-Benedict-Czirjak 02] (preparation of DF, subradiant states in a cavity), [Feng-Wang 02 a] (quantum computing with four-particle DF states in an ion trap), [Wu-Lidar 02 b] (creating DFS using strong and fast pulses), [Cabello 02 m] (four-qubit DFS), [Satinover 02 a] (DFS in supersymmetric oscillator networks), [Satinover 02 b], [Lidar-Whaley 03] (review), [Brown-Vala-Whaley 03] (scalable ion trap quantum computation in decoherence-free subspaces with pairwise interactions only), [Ollerenshaw-Lidar-Kay 03] (Grover's search algorithm on a NMR computer in which two qubits are protected from a special kind of errors by encoding them in four qubits), [Fonseca Romero-Mokarzel-Terra Cunha-Nemes 03], [Walton-Abouraddy-Sergienko-(+2) 03 b] (DFS in QKD), [Boileau-Gottesman-Laflamme-(+2) 04] (B92 with double singlets).

G.  Experiments and experimental proposals

(Implementation of an algorithm for solving the two-bit Deutsch problem with NMR:) [Chuang-Vandersypen-Zhou-(+2) 98], [Jones-Mosca 98]; [Jones-Mosca-Hansen 98] (implementation of Grover's quantum search algorithm with NMR), [Nakamura-Pashkin-Tsai 99] (coherent control of macroscopic quantum states in a single-Cooper-pair box), [Fu-Luo-Xiao-Zeng 99] (experimental realization of a discrete Fourier transformation on an NMR QC), [Kwiat-Mitchell-Schwindt-White 99] (Grover's search algorithm: An optical approach), [Marx-Fahmy-Myers-(+2) 99] (realization of a 5-bit NMR QC using a new molecular architecture), [Yannoni-Sherwood-Vandersypen-(+3) 99] (NMR using liquid crystal solvents), [Vandersypen-Steffen-Sherwood-(+3) 00] (first implementation of a three qubit Grover's algorithm), [Jones 00 a, b] (NMR QC: A critical evaluation), [Vrijen-Yablonovitch-Wang-(+5) 00] (electron spin resonance transistors for quantum computing in silicon-germanium heterostructures), [Cory-Laflamme-Knill-(+13) 00] (NMR based quantum information processing: Achievements and prospects), [Deutsch-Brennen-Jessen 00] (QC with neutral atoms in an optical lattice), [DiVincenzo 00], [Kane 00] (silicon-based QC), [Opatrný-Kurizki 00] (QC based on photon exchange interactions), [Kielpinski-Ben Kish-Britton-(+6) 01] (trapped-ion QC), [Vandersypen-Steffen-Breyta-(+3) 01] (experimental realization of Shor's quantum factoring algorithm using nuclear magnetic resonance, Nature). [Gulde-Riebe-Lancaster-(+6) 03] (implementation of the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm on an ion-trap quantum computer, Nature), [Steffen-van Dam-Hogg-(+2) 03] (implementation of an adiabatic quantum optimization algorithm), [Ermakov-Fung 03] (NMR implementation of the DJ algorithm using different initial states), [Brainis-Lamoureux-Cerf-(+3) 03] (fiber-optics implementation of the DJ and Bernstein-Vazirani quantum algorithms with three qubits).


A.  Textbooks

[Dirac 30], [Fock 31], [von Neumann 32], [Born 33], [Landau-Lifshitz 48], [Schiff 49], [Bohm 51], [Messiah 58], [Merzbacher 61], [Feynman-Hibbs 65], [Feynman-Leighton-Sands 65], [Sakurai 67, 85], [Cohen Tannoudji-Diu-Laloë 73], [Galindo-Pascual 78], [Bohm 79], [Bransden-Joachain 89], [Greiner 89], [Pauli-Achuthan-Venkatesan 90], [Ballentine 90 a, 98], [Peres 93 a], [Isham 95], [Hecht 00], [Schwinger 01].

B.  History of quantum mechanics

[Jammer 66] (the conceptual development of QM until 1927), [van der Waerden 67] (17 papers translated to English from 1916 to 1926), [Kuhn-Heilbron-Forman-Allen 67] (sources for history of QM), [Hermann 71] (1899-1913), [Kangro 72] (original on QM papers translated to English), [Jammer 74] (the philosophy of QM), [Holton 80] (133 informally collected "classic" papers in quantum physics), [Mehra-Rechenberg 82 a-e, 87 a, b, 00 a, b] (historical development of QM, 1900-1941), [Jammer 85] (the EPR problem in its historical development), [Howard 85] (Einstein, locality and separability), [Pais 86] (history of nuclear physics, quantum field theories, and subatomic particles, 1927-1983), [Icaza 91] (historical development, 1925-1927), [Marage-Wallenborn 95] (the Solvay conferences), [Sánchez Ron 01] (1860-1926), [Friedrich-Herschbach 03] (Stern and Gerlach).

C.  Biographs

[Planck 48] (autobiography), [Gerlach 48] (Planck), [Born 75] (autobiography), [Heims 80] (von Neumann), [Pais 82] (a scientific biography of Einstein), [Heilbron 86] (Planck), [Moore 89] (Schrödinger), [Jammer 88] (paper on Bohm), [Bernstein 89] (interview with Bell), [Jammer 90, 93] (papers on Bell), [Kragh 90] (Dirac), [Pais 91] (Bohr), [MacRae 91] (von Neumann), [Cassidy 92] (Heisenberg), [Pines 93] (Bohm's obituary), [Peres 96 a, b] (Nathan Rosen 1909-95), [Bergmann-Merzbacher-Peres 96] (Obituary: Nathan Rosen), [Israelit 96] (Nathan Rosen: 1909-1995), [Peat 97] (Bohm), [Laurikainen 97] (essays on Pauli), [Wheeler-Ford 98] (Wheeler's autobiography), [Goddard 98] (Dirac), [Whitaker 98 a] (Bell), [Mehra 99] (Einstein), [Pais 00] (biographical portraits of Bohr, Born, Dirac, Einstein, von Neumann, Pauli, Uhlenbeck, Wigner and others), [Holton 00] (Heisenberg and Einstein), [Aspect 00] (contains a photograph of J. S. Bell and A. Aspect about 1986 in Paris), [Jackiw-Shimony 02] (Bell), [Bell 02] (Bell's wife reminiscences), [Whitaker 02] (Bell in Belfast: Early years and education), [d'Espagnat 02] (Bell), [Enz 02] (Pauli), [Schroer 03] (Jordan).

D.  Philosophy of the founding fathers

[Petersen 63] (Bohr's philosophy), [Heelan 65, 75] (Heisenberg's philosophy), [Hall 65] (philosophical basis of Bohr's interpretation of quantum mechanics), [Folse 85] (Bohr's philosophy), [Laurikainen 85, 88] (Pauli's philosophy), [Fine 86] (Einstein and QM), [Honner 87] (Bohr's philosophy), [Murdoch 87] (Bohr's philosophy), [Faye 91] (on Bohr's interpretation of QM), [Faye-Folse 94] (Bohr and philosophy), [Bohr 98] (collected writings beyond physics: attempts to prove that biology cannot be reduced to physics, essays on the influence on his work of philosopher Hoffding), [Jammer 99] (Einstein and religion).

E.  Quantum logic

[Birkhoff-von Neumann 36] (first QL), [Reichenbach 44] (first three-valued QL), [Putnam 57] (three-valued QL), [Mackey 63], [Finkelstein 69, 72], [Putnam 69, 74, 81], [Piron 72, 76], [van Fraassen 73, 74 b], [Scheibe 73], [Jammer 74] (Chap. 8, historical account), [Hooker 75, 79] (collections of original papers), [Suppes 76] (collective book), [Friedman-Putnam 78], [Stairs 78, 82, 83 a, b], [Greechie 78] (a nonstandard QL), [Beltrametti-Cassinelli 79] (collective book), [Beltrametti-Cassinelli 81] (book), [Beltrametti-van Fraassen 81], [Hughes 81] (paper in Sci. Am.), [Holdsworth-Hooke 83] (a critical survey of QL), [Redhead 87] (Chap. 7), [Pitowsky 89 a] (book), [Hughes 89] (Chap. 7), [Pykacz-Santos 90, 91, 95], [Rédei 98] (book), [Svozil 98 b] (book), [Pykacz 98], [Coecke-Moore-Wilce 00], [McKay-Megill-Pavicić 00] (algorithms for Greechie diagrams), [Dalla Chiara-Giuntini 01].

F.  Superselection rules

[Wick-Wightman-Wigner 52], [Galindo-Pascual 78], [Gilmore-Park 79 a, b], [Mirman 79], [Wan 80] (superselection rules, quantum measurement and Schrödinger's cat), [Zurek 82], [Hughes-van Fraassen 88] (can the measurement problem be solved by superselection rules?), [Giulini-Kiefer-Zeh 95], [Wightman 95], [Dugić 98], [Cisneros-Martínez y Romero-Núñez Yépez-Salas Brito 98], [Giulini 99, 00] (the distinction between `hard' -i.e., those whose existence is demonstrated by means of symmetry principles- and `soft' -or `environment-induced'- superselection rules is not well founded), [Mayers 02 b] (a charge superselection rule implies no restriction on the operations that can be executed on any individual qubit), [Kitaev-Mayers-Preskill 03] (superselection rules do not enhance the information-theoretic security of quantum cryptographic protocols), [Verstraete-Cirac 03 a] (nonlocality in the presence of superselection rules and data hiding protocols), [Schuch-Verstraete-Cirac 03] (nonlocal resources in the presence of superselection rules), [Wiseman-Vaccaro 03] (entanglement of indistinguishable particles shared between two parties), [Wiseman-Bartlett-Vaccaro 03] (entanglement constrained by generalized superselection rules).

G.  Relativity and the instantaneous change of the quantum state by local interventions

[Bloch 67], [Aharonov-Albert 80, 81, 84], [Herbert 82] (superluminal communication would be possible with a perfect quantum cloner), [Pearle 86 a] (stochastic dynamical reduction theories and superluminal communication), [Squires 92 b] (explicit collapse and superluminal signals), [Peres 95 a, 00 b], [Garuccio 96], [Svetlichny 98] (quantum formalism with state-collapse and superluminal communication), [Aharonov-Reznik-Stern 98] (quantum limitations on superluminal propagation), [Mittelstaedt 98] (can EPR-correlations be used for the transmission of superluminal signals?), [Westmoreland-Schumacher 98] (entanglement and the nonexistence of superluminal signals; comments: [Mashkevich 98 b], [van Enk 98]), [Shan 99] (quantum superluminal communication does not result in the causal loop), [Aharonov-Vaidman 01], [Svozil 01], [Zbinden-Brendel-Tittel-Gisin 01] (experimental test of relativistic quantum state collapse with moving reference frames).

H.  Quantum cosmology

[Clarke 74] (quantum theory and cosmology), [Hartle-Hawking 83] (the wave function of the universe), [Tipler 86] (the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics in quantum cosmology), [Hawking 87], [Sánchez Gómez 96], [Percival 98 b] (cosmic quantum measurement).